-Don't spam, ie: doubleposting. You have the right to bump your thread if nobody answered it after 24h. Spamming can result in a deletion of your posts or even worse, a ban.
- Before you post : A search should be done to see if your questions have not been already posted.
- Posting: Make sure you post in the right sections.
- Defamatory, racist, hateful, pornographic, illegal or insulting content must be avoided on this forum. You must respect the fact that people may have a different opinion than you. If you are in conflict with another member, please use PMs for that, this forum is not an arena! Disrespecting this term will result in a warning, temp ban or even worse, a perma ban from the forums.
- Please, be patient. It's useless to up your topic every 2 minutes (see the point "Flood and Off-topic"). Every member of this forum has a private life besides Forumotion, so they can't always respond immediately. Disrespecting this term will result in a spamming infraction.
- You must respect the moderators and administrators. They all work voluntarily on this forum and they are human, not machines! If you don't respect this terms it will result in a warning, temp ban or even worse, a perma ban from the forums.
- If you received advertising, pornographic content or insults by PM, you must send the whole copy (including the headers) to a admin/moderator by PM. Posting it in a topic is useless and will only cause conflicts between you and the one who sent you the PM. It can result in a warning.
- If you don't find your topic, it may have been moved to a more appropriate place. If you have a question, PM a admin/moderator for that!
- Adverstising. Advertising other communities is not allowed. It can result in a forum ban.